Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Parsis and the Fire Temple at Navsari, India

click on the heading for link to read the full post in the Google Earth Community:
The second holiest and sacred fire site, in India, for the Parsis (Parsees,) after the fire temple at Udvada.(see my placemark and notes for Parsee Fire Temple at Udvada,Gujarat State,India.placed in GE Community -Peoples and Culture.- MOderated. ) is this temple at Navsari.
The Zoroastrian religion enjoins that the sacred flame be enshrined in a ritually prepared place in an inner sanctum sanctorum in a temple built for this purpose. The flame is tended by priests who enter the inner sanctum only after a vigorous ritual self- cleansing and prayers said over a period of 9 days in seclusion. Thus, once a team of priests have undergone the required state of purity, they remain in the temple for around 15/20 days, accepting sandalwood from pilgrims, entering the inner sanctum and offering this to the fire. A fully ordained priest, but who has not undergone the cleansing ritual, cannot enter the sanctum !
Navsari is a commercial and trade centre, connected by rail from Mumbai or Ahmedabad and Baroda; it is situate a few miles south of Surat. A modest number of Parsis reside around the temple area. Some very delectable Parsi packed food can be shopped near the temple area. Any number of budget hotels in Navsari.
some facts on Navsari:

I recommend, if you choose to visit this town, do not miss shopping for Parsi snacks, savories, condiments, biscuits from the shops around the temple.

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